How to Surrender Completely?

Surrender is terrible in the material world. It implies humiliation. But surrender is no bad word in the spiritual realm. Spiritual Surrender is victory! Surrender must be done intelligently though. And Surrender means Loving Devotional Service. How to do it though?

Choppy Ocean
Choppy Ocean
No one can swim out of the middle of the ocean

Yamini, 20 December 2014

Hare Krishna devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisances!
All glories to Srila Gurudeva and Srimati Guru Mataji..
All glories to Srila Prabhupada….

How can we completely surrender ourselves unto the lotus feet of our spiritual master and the Supreme Personality of Godhead?

Please allow me to become eternal servant and serve all of you and serve Srila Gurudeva…

your servant,

Lalit, 22 December 2014
Hare Krishna!
Surrendering to Krishna doesn’t require any special effort if it is the real yearning from within.

Surrender not out of fear, desire, expectation or momentary disinterest in the world but surrender only by choice.

Surrender in absolute is becoming a non judgemental observer.

Let him steer.


Mahabhagavat Das SDA, 23 December 2014
Dear Mother Yamini,

Hare Krishna!

If surrendering to Krishna did not require any special effort, every single person on the planet would be Krishna conscious. But it does require a conscious effort.

The thing is, most of us are conditioned souls – conditioning removes all element of choice, we simply act like robots, according to our conditioning… here comes sense gratification, and there goes the sense gratifier running after the sense gratification. Just like a dog runs after the bone… did the dog “choose” to go after the bone? No, it is a reflex due to the dog acting out of conditioned consciousness.

Similarly, practicing devotional service in spite of all material distractions means to develop, as Devamrita Swami Maharaja says “choice muscles”. Our conditioning is forcing us to go towards sense gratification, but we are still choosing to go towards Krishna.

What Bhakta Lalit said re “Let Krishna steer” is correct. How? Krishna has left clear unambiguous instructions in the Bhagavad Gita, and we are fortunate to have those instructions clearly explained in Bhagavad Gita As It Is by Srila Prabhupada. For example He says to work in Krishna consciousness without any expectations of results, to surrender results to Krishna. So it is not simply an empty “sit around and observe everything without judging” as the Mayavadis sometimes say, which is often just an excuse not to do any practical service to Krishna. It is an active engagement in the practice of Krishna consciousness, as you are doing.

Simply by following the instructions of the spiritual master sincerely, without doing so as a blind follower – in other words, strive to understand the spirit behind the spiritual master’s instructions while sincerely trying to follow, is key.

Srila Gurudeva mentions that we use the 3 main “GPS triangulation points” of Guru, Sadhu, Shastra and act accordingly.

Mahabhagavat Das

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Author: Mahabhagavat Das SDA

I am a formally initiated disciple of His Grace Sriman Sankarshan Das Adhikari. My spiritual master was initiated by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in 1971. He is the author of the famous Ultimate Self Realization Course. Check it out at

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