The Stone Deity who bore witness – Saakshi Gopal

Deities are made of stone, wood, marble, metal etc. But authorized deities are anything but material! Want to read about a deity who walked a thousand plus miles to bear witness for His devotee? Read about the renowned Sri Saakshi Gopal!

Once upon a time, in South India, there lived two Brahmins. One was very rich and aristocratic, but also old in body. The other was poor but gentle, a young man. Both were great devotees of Krishna, with complete faith in the Lord.

From Sakshi Gopal, a book published by Sri Vaikuntha Enterprises
From Sakshi Gopal, Published by Sri Vaikuntha Enterprises

They both went on pilgrimage to Vrindavan. The young Brahmin man served the elderly one very sincerely, helped him. This service was essential, because in those days, pilgrimages were by foot, often without facilities. So to walk well over a thousand miles and back was no mean feat.

The young man begged alms, cooked, and served the older gentleman nicely. When the older man fell sick, the young one nursed him back to health. The young man served the older one very sincerely.

One day, when in Vrindavan, the older Brahmin felt tremendous gratitude for the young man’s selfless service. He wanted to reciprocate in some way. In fact, he thought it would be fitting to have this young man as his son-in-law. He loved the idea of this saintly young man becoming the husband of his daughter. So he declared his intention.

The young man said “Sir, you are rich and aristocratic, I am poor, your family will never agree to this alliance. I did not serve you with the expectation of getting anything in return. Please let it be my pleasure and privilege to have served you and let’s leave it at that”. The older one said “No no, I insist, you must accept my daughter’s hand in marriage!”. So then the young man said, OK, in that case, please note that you have made this statement in front of this beautiful deity named Gopal. In order that you don’t experience the reaction of lying in front of the Deity, you will need to fulfill your words. The older man heartily begged Gopal to allow him to fulfill his promise to the nice young man.

Back in the village, the older gentleman declared his intention to his family. His son objected. His wife objected. The wife said “If you do such a thing, I shall commit suicide”. The son said “If anything on this matter comes up, just say I don’t remember”. Both the wife and son of the older man were afraid of losing their social stature by marrying off the girl to this poor unknown young man.

The older man was disappointed, but helpless in the face of such intense opposition from his family members. The girl, meanwhile, had no qualms… she knew her father well and trusted her father’s judgement completely.

After many days had passed, the young man came to the rich family’s home to remind the elderly man of his promise… the son quickly intervened saying “you lowly wretch. How did you think we’d marry our girl to you? When on pilgrimage, you drugged my father and made him promise! What proof do you have that my father made this promise to you?”. At this, the young man said “The deity of Gopal bore witness to the promise”.

The son of the elderly Brahmin, even though born of a wonderful saintly father, was somewhat of an atheist. He laughed out loud and proclaimed “If the deity of Gopala comes to bear witness to my father’s promise, then surely we will conduct the wedding and give my sister in marriage to you”. He was completely confident that a stone deity could never come to bear witness, especially not over a thousand miles.

But this young man, was of great faith and purity. He went back to Vrindavan, and explained the situation to Gopal. He said “My dear Lord, I am not attached to marrying this girl, but the older Brahmana will suffer reactions for having lied in front of you, so I am asking, please come to bear witness”. The deity spoke to this young man…. “My child, go back to your village, conduct a fire yajna, I will appear in the fire as Vishnu and bear witness that way”… the young man said “No no, you don’t know these people, they will not accept, they have demanded that you come personally!”. The deity replied “My dear boy, have you ever seen a deity walk?“, to which the young man replied “If a deity can talk, then surely He can walk!“. Now, moved by the boy’s intense faith, the deity agreed to follow him to the village… over a thousand miles away.

Krishna says the following in the Bhagavad Gita…

ये यथा मां प्रपद्यन्ते तांस्तथैव भजाम्यहम् ।
मम वर्त्मानुवर्तन्ते मनुष्याः पार्थ सर्वशः ॥ ११ ॥

ye yathā māṁ prapadyante
tāṁs tathaiva bhajāmy aham
mama vartmānuvartante
manuṣyāḥ pārtha sarvaśaḥ

As all surrender unto Me, I reward them accordingly. Everyone follows My path in all respects, O son of Pṛthā.

So, when you walk into a temple, see a deity of Krishna, and say “What is this, this is just a statue!”, indeed, you will see no more than a statue. Such a person can have the pleasure of ridiculing everyone else who sees Krishna instead of a statue.

But when you walk into the presence of the authorized deity, and want to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead, known by other names like Allah and Jehovah, then the Deity manifests to you.

I have had hundreds and thousands of such experiences where it is clear that the deity of Krishna is Krishna Himself. He has reciprocated in so many wonderful ways, even though, as a recovering atheist, I am completely unworthy and unqualified.

God is such. To the atheist, He gives the satisfaction, the pleasure, of not being present. To the devotee, He plays in direct proportion to the surrender of the devotee. In other words, God, being the Ultimate Well-wisher of everyone, gives each person the privilege of loving Him or leaving Him.

Gopal instructed the young man to walk to his village, and every day, to prepare a quantity of rice offering but to never turn and look back. As to how the young man would know the deity was following? Listen to the sound of Gopala’s ankle bells! The tinkling ankle bells would tell him Gopal was right behind.

In this way, the young man and the stone deity made their way back from Vrindavan to South India, over a thousand miles. Just outside the village, the boy couldn’t hear the sound of the ankle bells of Gopal… so worried, he turned around, and there the deity was, in all His splendour. Gopal said “I will not move from here, you bring the villagers to me now”.

So the boy recounted that Gopala had come to bear witness to the old man’s promise. All the villagers rushed to the spot to witness this miracle. Lord Gopal bore witness and the young man and the girl were duly married.

This young man became the priest of Lord Gopala, who was now called “Saakshi Gopala” – the Lord who bore witness.

In due course of time, the Gajapati king of Orissa conquered over this South Indian kingdom and brought this deity of Saakshi Gopal to Orissa, not far from Jagannath Puri.

And there He stands today. Still bearing witness to our loving devotion. My prayer is to be able to convince everyone to accept God’s love wholeheartedly. And reciprocate with that love unreservedly. Now, dear reader, please help me in that mission to the most loving Sri Krishna!

To those faithless atheists of all stripes who decry deity worship as idol worship, this deity stands as a challenge. To those who are simple and pure-hearted, Saakshi Gopal blesses to this day.

We had a wonderful experience earlier this year visiting Sri Saakshi Gopal and serve the residents of His town with transcendental spiritual literature.

There, at Saakshi Gopal, we met this elderly gentleman who had tremendous appreciation for the modern-day saint His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, and for the elaborate arrangements made by his International Society for Krishna Consciousness – ISKCON, to distribute spiritual knowledge far and wide. The locals told us he was a poet, writing about devotion to Sakshi Gopal. I begged him to write poems from the books, he agreed and gave his his blessings.

To me, it was as if I’d met the two devotees of Saakshi Gopal personally in meeting this elderly gentleman. I expressed gratitude once again.

I’d heard about Saakshi Gopal many years ago, nearly 20 years ago. And hankered to visit Him! He is so sweet!

Won’t you visit the Lord who bore witness for His devotee? No picture can capture Saakshi Gopal’s elegant beauty! No words can do Him any justice. You must go there and see Him for yourself! Go! He’s waiting for you! And don’t forget to serve Him! Here and now!

God is Great! God is Good! Proclaim that in every town and village!