Is there life on the Moon?

IS there life on the Moon? The Vedic scriptures talk about the Moon as a heavenly realm with celestial beings and soma drink, etc., we have had so many missions, why did they not find anyone there?

Partha Das, 7th October 2019

Hare Krsna,

Q) We heard of  so many moon missions and the latest by India.  So many satellites are orbiting the moon ? No life had ever been found till date on moon? However our scriptures talk of Chandra as a devta living with his associates on moon planet, drinking Soma rasa etc. How do we explain the contradictions?


Partha Das

Anuradha, 8 October 2019

This is from Gurudev’s lesson. I have copied and pasted here , Think it answers.

Lesson Completed on 23 May 2016 in Kaunas, Lithuania


Srila Prabhupada explains in his purport to Bhagavad-gita 8.25 that there is a higher class of living beings on the moon, although they may not be perceivable to our gross senses. He also mentions that Vedas teach a method of how one can go to the moon and get a moon body in his next birth. He points as well out the futility of this because eventually these moon beings have to come back to the earth. Considering all of these points we can easily see why doing austerities to get a moon body are not worth it. It is better we do austerities to attain the planet of Krishna because from that planet there is no coming back down to suffer once again on the earth planet or in any planet in this material world.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari



Jahnava , 8 October 2019

Hare Krsna

Thank you!


Partha Das, 8 October 2019

Thanks for the reply. Helpful. Dandavats, Hare Krsna.

Partha Das

Mahabhagavat Das SDA, 8 October, 2019

Dear Partha,

Hare Krishna!

In addition to this, we should think about situation on this planet… North America and Europe have very opulent countries, very rich and very different to many other countries in the world. But to enter into it someone needs a proper visa or permit. Without visa if someone even comes here (by hiding in some corner of an aircraft, for example, as one Indian man did some years ago), then they will only see the inside of a jail cell. Then they can come, be arrested, be sent back, and say “well, this Canada and USA and Norway and Germany, they are just jails, nothing more to it”. Our situation trying to go to the moon without authorization is somewhat like that.

Just like a smart adult can make a little child think that there is a monster behind the closet or the world ends at the front door (to prevent the child from harm or entering some unauthorized place), similarly, the higher beings led by Chandradeva and those entities can direct the spacecraft to the dark planets that are between us and the moon.

It is clear that one cannot enter the heavenly planets by mechanical means. Ravana tried to build a staircase to heaven, these are little Ravanas, they are not even as capable of that great demon. Happy Dussehra to everyone btw.

This Dussehra, I pray that just as Lord Ramachandra killed the demon Ravana on this day of Vijaya Dashami, similarly, Lord Rama may please kill this Ravana like mentality in our hearts, to enjoy God’s property separately from God. May Lord Ramachandra purify our consciousness.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hope this helps,


Mahabhagavat Das

Partha Das, 8 October 2019

Thanks, hare Krsna, dandavats

Partha Das

Mahabhagavat Das SDA, 8 October 2019

The book to read in this connection is:

This book is also available online at:


Mahabhagavat Das

Partha Das, 9 October 2019

Noted.Prabhuji. will read the book. 

Partha Das

Sundar Gopal Das, 11 October 2019

Dear Sriman Bhakta Partha,

Hare Krishna!

Pls accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to Sri Guru & Gauranga.

Relevant to the above interesting discussion, I would like to share the following extract from Srila Prabhupad’s Srimad Bhagavatam Purport:

In this connection, it may be noted that the moon is one of the heavenly planets. From the Vedic literature we understand that one who goes to the moon receives a life with a duration of ten thousand years in which to enjoy the fruits of pious activities. If our so-called scientists are going to the moon, why should they come back here? We must conclude without a doubt that they have never gone to the moon. To go to the moon, one must have the qualification of pious activities. Then one may go there and live. If one has gone to the moon, why should he return to this planet, where life is of a very short duration?  

with regards,

your servant,

Sundar Gopal Das

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